Perfectionist nástroj na lifting mihalníc

Style: Right-handed version
Subtotal: €8,50
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    Nástroj na lifting mihalníc je nevyhnutnosťou v súprave nástrojov každého profesionála! Je postatnou vecou pre dokonalé ošetrenie mihalníc liftingom, pretože umožňuje nastaviť mihalnice správnym smerom. Môžete sa tak vyhnúť strapatému neupravenému vzhľadu.

    Liftingový nástroj je k dispozícii vo verzii pre pravákov aj ľavákov.

    Ako používať
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    1. Nástroj na lifting mihalníc bude vaším užitočným spoločníkom pri česaní mihalníc na liftingovej podložke.
    2. S jeho pomocou môžete upraviť mihalnice prilepené lepidlom na lifting mihalníc na liftingovej podložke.
    3. Špicatý koniec nástroja umožňuje oddeliť jednotlivé mihalnice, čo vám pomôže dosiahnuť ešte presnejší a krajší výsledok. Pre dosiahnutie skutočne dokonalej práce ho môžete skombinovať s Y hrebeňom.
    Ako čistiť
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    1. Očistite nástroj v dezinfekčnom prostriedku (dezinfekcia na vysokej úrovni - HLD) podľa pokynov výrobcu dezinfekčného prostriedku.
    2. Neodporúča sa dlhodobé vystavovanie HLD alebo presiahnutie ohľadom ponoru odporúčané výrobcom, pretože by to mohlo spôsobiť koróziu alebo poškodenie nástroja.
    3. Vyberte nástroj z dezinfekčného roztoku použitím rukavíc.
    4. Opláchnite vodou a usušte ho.
    Technical features
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    Length: 16.5cm
    Material: Stainless Steel

    Informácie o preprave
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    Seller delivers the products to the Customer ordered in the online shop operated by Seller using GLS General Logistics Systems Hungary Csomag-Logisztikai Kft. or DHL Express Magyarország Kft.


    After the courier hands the package over to the Customer, Customer shall make sure that the product is not damaged. If the product arrives damaged, then the employee of the courier service shall record this in a report, and the Seller only accepts complaints if they are made in this way.


    Shipping costs shall always be borne by the Customer, who shall also pay the shipping fee.

    The fees and time of shipping abroad are basically vary by country of destination.


    Zone 1

    • Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia
    • Standard EU Shipping (2-4 working days): €4.99
    • Free shipping on orders over €250

    Zone 2

    • Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Greece
    • Standard EU Shipping (2-4 working days): €7.99
    • Free shipping on orders over €250

    All other EU Countries

    • Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Bulgaria, Switzerland Shipping (2-4 working days): €14.99
    • Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Malta, Norway, Finland Shipping (2-4 working days): €14.99
    • Vatican, Monaco, United Kingdom, Northern Ireland Shipping (2-4 working days): €22.99
    • Free shipping on orders over €250

    USA, Canada, Australia

    • USA Shipping (2-4 working days): €24.99
    • Canada Shipping (2-4 working days): €24.99
    • Australia Shipping (3-9 working days): €34.99


    In case of shipping abroad, the Customer shall be responsible to pay any custom or other taxes in the destination country and to be informed thereof in advance (e.g. payment terms, applicable procedure, amount).


    We are at your assistance in connection with any questions or problems with shipping Monday-Friday, between 9:00 and 17:00 by phone +36 70 773 1689 or by e-mail

    Return & Exchange
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    In case of contracts concluded outside business premises and distance contracts, the Customer is entitled to withdraw without assigning any reason for 14 calendar days from receiving the product. Customer may also exercise his/her right of withdrawal during the period between the date of contract conclusion and the date of receiving the product. In case of a written withdrawal, it is sufficient to send the declaration of withdrawal within 14 calendar days. The Customer may exercise this right by making an unambiguous statement to this effect or by the declaration form for withdrawal/termination set out in Schedule No.2 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.) (or hereinafter)




    If Customer terminated the sale and purchase agreement in whole or only with respect to a part of the goods delivered, then

    1. Customer shall return the goods concerned to the Seller at Seller’s cost; and 
    2. Seller shall refund the purchase price paid for the goods concerned to Customer immediately upon receipt of the goods or the certificate or return of the goods.

    In the case of termination of the contract, Seller must refund the full amount paid by the Customer as a consideration. However, if performance has been in accordance with the contract for a certain time prior to the termination of the contract, the consideration due to this period shall not be refunded. In the latter case, that part of the consideration shall be refunded that relates to the period of contractual performance and any consideration paid by the Customer in advance which would have been due for the remaining term of the contract if the contract had not been terminated.

    If Customer is entitled to purchase price reduction or to terminate the contract, Seller shall perform its obligation to refund without delay, but within 14 days from gaining knowledge, the latest.

    Seller shall reimburse the amount due to Customer with the same payment method that Customer used. Based on the expressed consent of Customer, Seller may use a different method for the reimbursement, but it shall not result in any additional costs for Customer.

    Refund-related costs are borne by the Seller.


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